Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino

Vabilo na dogodek 5. 12. 2023

Dear colleagues,


It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Cooltour Cafè - online round table - that will be held this forthcoming December 5th from 10AM to 12PM CET.


Cooltour Cafè will gather heritage managers, cultural operators, and youth organizations in an open dialogue and sharing of experiences related to the most innovative and participative strategies and tools to facilitate the dialogue between heritage managers and youngsters.

Keynote speakers will be attending from different European Countries, and we will share with you the final findings and tools prepared during the project Cooltour, cofinanced by the Erasmus+ program.


Join us if you want to know more about how to innovate your organization and create a better connection with the younger generations!


Click here to sign up:



Looking forward to seeing you online, best!

COOLTOUR project team



Oddelek za zgodovino

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