Evolution of educational theories
Lectures: 45
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Vidmar Tadej
- Definitions and classifications of science and their application to the pedagogy or education.
- Changing of understanding of human rights from the Enlightenment to present times in the context of education and its application to the current situation. The position of education and school as an institution in modern society.
- Analysis of the development of selected pedagogical or educational concepts and their connection with modern problems of education and schooling.
- Concepts and understanding of the university from its origins until today and its function in the context of understanding science and the purpose of education. Development of understanding of autonomy of the university and preparation for employability.
- Wilhelm von Humboldt – Secondary general education, concept of university, concept of Bildung.
- Wilhelm Dilthey – A new definition of science and laying the foundations of geisteswissenschaftliche pedagogy.
- Geisteswissenschaftliche pedagogy – A changed paradigm of understanding of education, of attitude to culture and society; the leading academic and scientific concept of education or pedagogy in Central Europe and Slovenia after the First World War.
- Cultural pedagogy – Karel Ozvald and Stanko Gogala, the implementation of geisteswissenschaftliche pedagogy in Slovenia between the two world wars, linking achievements of the culture with education and schooling, the importance of teacher education. Breaking with it and its a priori rejection after World War II. The relevance of cultural pedagogy in the 21st century.
- Criticism of prewar pedagogical or educational concepts in Slovenia after World War II and the introduction of a new socialist theoretical paradigm. Vladimir Schmidt.
- John Dewey – Actualization of his understanding of education as a means of democratization, of acquiring knowledge, and of school as a preparation for life.
- Autor, O. (1989). O teoretskosti pedagogike. Sodobna pedagogika, 40, št. 7/8, str. 344–347. ID=761348
- Gogala, S. (1970). Moja pedagogika. Sodobna pedagogika, 21, 1–2, str. 12–24. (Seminarsko). . ID=761348
- Gogala, S. (1938). Pedagoška teorija. Popotnik, 59, št. 7–8 in 9–10, str. 145–150 in 197–201. (Seminarsko).ID=4693251
- Ozvald, K. (1927). Kulturna pedagogika. Ljubljana: Slovenska šolska matica. (str. 9–41, 84–101, 136–145, 164–171). (Seminarsko). ID=392009 (1927) in ID=109323008 (2000)
- Schmidt, V. (1945). Smernice sodobnega pedagoškega dela. Popotnik, 63, št. 1, str. 4–12. ID=4693251
- Vidmar, T. (2011). Pedagogika v Sloveniji v zacˇetku 20. stoletja – identifikacija nekaterih dilem. V: T. Vidmar in J. Aksman (ur.). Pedagoško-andragoške razprave v Sloveniji in na Poljskem po prelomu stoletja. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, str. 33–48.ID=254740480
- Vidmar, T. (2011). Šola in pojmovanja znanja med pragmatizmom in konstruktivizmom. Sodobna pedagogika, 62, št. 1, str. 28–40. . ID=761348