Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 8
Lecturer(s): asist. mag. Štempihar Marko, prof. dr. Šimenc Marjan
Concept of philosophy: philosophy as the basis of sciences, philosophy as the basic cultural technique.
The relationship between academic philosophy and philosophy as a secondary school subject: levels of teaching philosophy.
The relationship between curriculum and syllabus, contents, aims, objectives and process.
Teaching of philosophy and ethics in Europe.
Philosophy for children, citizenship and patriotic education and ethics; subject syllabus and external examination syllabus.
Aims, objectives and content of the philosophy syllabus.
Different concepts of teaching philosophy, different conceptions of didactics of philosophy.
Aims of teaching philosophy/contents that are thought.
Philosophical problems.
Elements of teaching philosophy: everyday experience, concept, argument, philosophical perspective, problematisation, conceptualiza-tion, argumentation.
Organization of work in classroom: texts, dialogue, everyday experiences of students, epistemological obstacles.
Work in pairs, work in group.
Essay: writing as a way of teaching thinking.
Assessment: written, oral, course work.
Internal and external assessment.
Criteria of assessment.
Citizenship and patriotic education and ethics.
Philosophy for children.
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