Knowledge Organisation Systems 2
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 10
Seminars: 5
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Pauman Budanović Mihela
• Organisation of information by content as a key tool for finding information in query systems and on the web.
• Knowledge organisation systems
• thesauri,
• taxonomies,
• ontologies,
• classification systems,
• folksonomies
• vocabularies, etc.
• Automatic indexing
• Examples of metadata standards for data values in different communities (e.g. AAT, BISAC, Thema, MESH, TGN)
• Strategies and structural principles of knowledge organization.
• Application of the knowledge organization priciples through the development of a controlled vocabulary.
Abbas, J. (2010). Structures for organizing knowledge: exploring taxonomies, ontologies, and other schema. Neal-Schuman. COBISS.SI-ID - 45523042
Broughton, V. (2015). Essential classification. Facet. COBISS.SI-ID - 60874850
Gnoli, C. (2020). Introduction to knowledge organisation. Facet. COBISS.SI-ID - 92187395
Aktualni prispevki iz domače in tuje strokovne/znanstvene literature.
Priporočena literatura:
Lippell, H. (ur.).(2022). Taxonomies: practical approaches to developing and managing vocabularies for digital information. Facet.