Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo

Vabilo na predavanje prof. dr. Daria Martinellija

Department of Musicology kindly invites to a set of 8 lectures by professor Dario Martinelli, PhD, https://dariomartinelli.wordpress.com, on 23. 4. 2024 from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.20 to 17.10.

Oddelek za muzikologijo vabi na predavanja prof. dr. Daria Martinellija 23. 4. 2024 od 10.00 do 13.00 in od 14.20 do 17.10.


The cycle of lectures proposes a model (called "M.A.P.") for the analysis of audiovisual texts particularly connected with music (music videos, musicals, music documentaries, etc.), and then, as case study, proceeds to describe various forms of audiovisual representation of music: what happens when music, musicians, musical phenomena are the protagonists, not just as soundtracks but as narrative material (e.g., films about musicians, or featuring musicians as actors, or about music fans...)?


Dario Martinelli (1974) is eminent scholar in the fields of musicology, popular music studies, film studies, semiotics, animal studies (he is possibly best known for his work in zoomusicology and zoosemiotics) and a research platform called "numanities", devoted to the rethinking of the role and paradigm of the humanities in modern society. He is also an editor of the Springer book series Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress. Martinelli is also a member of several editorial and scientific boards in journals, doctoral committees and academic associations. He is director of the International Semiotics Institute, professor at Kaunas University of Technology, and is also affiliated to the University of Helsinki and the University of Lapland (adjunct professor in both cases). His visiting professorships include the University of Torino (2015–2016), the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (2012–2014), the Finnish Network University of Semiotics (2004–2007) and the Fine Arts Academy of Bari (2005–2006).

He performs research and publishes monographs and articles in the fields of musicology, popular music studies, film studies, semiotics, animal studies (he is possibly best known for his work in zoomusicology and zoosemiotics) and a research platform called "numanities", devoted to the rethinking of the role and paradigm of the humanities in modern society.


Dario Martinelli (1974) raziskuje na področju muzikologije, popularnih glasbenih študij, filmskih študij, semiotike, živalskih študij (verjetno je najbolj znan po svojem delu v zoomuzikologiji in zoosemiotiki) in raziskovalne platforme, imenovane numanities, posvečene premisleku o vlogi in paradigmi humanistike v sodobni družbi. Martinelli je bil prvi raziskovalec Litovskega raziskovalnega sveta za projekt o razmerju med politiko in glasbo, ukvarja se tudi s filmologijo, zoosemiotiko in zoomuzikologijo, slednji koncept je prevzel od Françoisa Bernarda Mâchea, da bi ga razvil na svoj način. 

Martinelli je urednik Springerjeve knjižne serije Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress, Martinelli je tudi član več uredniških in znanstvenih odborov v revijah, doktorskih komisij in akademskih združenj. Je direktor Mednarodnega inštituta za semiotiko, profesor na Tehnološki univerzi v Kaunasu in je tudi sodelavec Univerze v Helsinkih in Univerzi na Laponskem (v obeh primerih kot zunanji profesor). Kot gostujoči profesor je predaval na Univerzi v Torinu (2015–2016), Litvanski akademiji za glasbo in gledališče (2012–2014), Finski mrežni univerzi za semiotiko (2004–2007) in Akademiji likovnih umetnosti v Bariju (2005–2006).


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