Arhivistics in Practice

Arhivistics in Practice

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 20

Seminars: 20

Tutorials: 20

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): asist. Smolič Žiga, doc. dr. Štuhec Marko, izr. prof. dr. Mikša Peter

The subject consists of the following content: archival information systems; expert handling of archival material; archival regulations and standards; material protection of documents; valorisation and selection. The main emphasis falls on becoming acquainted with all types of aids in classic and electronic form, taking into account informatics. The practical classes qualify the students for preparing the information that the archivist discloses to the public as a result of his or her work (inventory, list, guide, expert and scientific article). The other emphasis lies on the valorisation and the selection of archival material – one of the fundamental tasks of archivists, who cover the time after the middle of the 19th century and particularly the not so distant time (contact with the material as it is being formed in the hands of the creators).