Slovene Language for Teachers
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kranjc Simona
- Role and position of Slovene language;
- Slovene as the language used for communication in the pedagogical process, social and functional types;
- Relational speech; politeness and pragmatic clarity as selection criteria for the means of expression to create relationships in the classroom;
- Cognitive speech: a relationship between statements and illustrative material; description; narration; explanation; justification; expression of logical relations with linguistic resources;
- Communication – language – text;
- Teacher’s preparation for oral presentation in the classroom; advantages and disadvantages of auditory transmission; pronunciation and rhetoric; principles of practical stylistics;
- Conducting a conversation and participating in a discussion, forming and asking questions of different types and complexity;
- Reading and writing of official texts (e.g. correspondence with the ministry and parents);
- Characteristics of scientific and popular science texts;
- Writing a professional text;
- Language manuals, corpora and other electronic resources and their use;
- Active listening strategies;
- Teaching reading strategies;
- Guiding students in preparation of oral presentations and for participation in discussion;
- Guiding students in the writing of a professional text.
- Vogel, J., Cestnik, M. (2006): Razvezani jezik: jezikovni priročnik, Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 136 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 226966528
- Vogel, J., Kastelic, S., Ozimek, J. (2007): Slovenščina 1. Z besedo do besede: jezik v 1. letniku gimnazij in srednjih strokovnih šol. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 203 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 232659456
- Vogel, J. (2009). Slovenščina v šoli - le poseben učni predmet ali sestavni del vsakega predmeta?. V: Vzgoja in izobraževanje, letnik 40, št. 2, str. 15–21. COBISS.SI-ID - 1131780
- Vogel, J. (2010): Zmožnost jezikovnega sporazumevanja kot temeljni cilj jezikovnega izobraževanja v šoli. V: Lo Bianco, Joseph, Marentič-Požarnik, Barica, Ivšek, Milena. Pot k jezikovni politiki v izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 2010, str. 106–135. COBISS.SI-ID - 251085312
- Vogel, J. (2004): Nekateri vidiki zvrstnosti govorjenega diskurza s stališča poslušalca. V: Aktualizacija jezikovnozvrstne teorije na Slovenskem / Obdobja 22 - metode in zvrsti. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete, str. 453-466. COBISS.SI-ID 216918272
- Gradišar, A., Pečjak, S. (2002): Bralne učne strategije. Ljubljana: ZRSŠ, 368 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 115995648