Elective Seminar: Modernity and Modernism in the History of Literature
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 60
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Širca Alen Albin, prof. dr. Matajc Vanesa
The seminar includes introductory theoretical and literary-historical insights into the specifics of modernity – in the sense of the period of fin de siecle, the Turn of the Century, die Moderne – and the period of Modernism in the history of literature. The seminar addresses the connections and differences in the literature after 1860 and draws broader literary contexts of the literary modernity in terms of cultural history and the history of ideas. The subject matter of selected seminar themes: seminar papers deal with literary works from the perspective of literary movements, currents and trends of modernity and modernism. Individual themes thus include the issues of Symbolism, New Romanticism, the decadent movement, modernism (that also includes some topics from historical avant-garde as literary movements) and the existential philosophical and literary current. The selected seminar themes focus on distinctive narrative literary works (novels and short prose), poetry and drama. Discussion centres on the connection between literary-historical aspects and morphological (motif-theme, textual, structural and stylistic) aspects of literary works. The seminars are complemented with lectures from literary history, literary theory and comparative literature.
Vivian Liska, Astradur Eysteinsson (ur.). Modernism. (A comparative history of literatures in European languages, vol. 21.) Amsterdam, Philadelphia, 2007. Vol. 1. 544 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 29005101 (izbrana poglavja)
Peter Childs: Modernism. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. 226 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 30805858
Alenka Jensterle-Doležal: Avtor, tekst, kontekst, komunikacija: poglavja iz slovenske moderne. Maribor: Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta, 2014. 417 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 79653377
Stefan Simonek: Distanzierte Nähe : die slawische Moderne der Donaumonarchie und die Wiener Moderne. Bern [etc.]: Lang, 2002. COBISS.SI-ID - 16487430
John Neubauer, Marcel Cornis-Pope (ur.). History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe : junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 2004-2010. Zv. 1. - XX, 647 str. - 2004 ; Zv. 2. - XXIV, 512 str. - 2006 ; Zv. 3. - XII, 522 str. - 2007 ; Zv. 4. - XI, 714 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 221827840 (izbrana poglavja)
Anna Balakian. The fiction of the poet : from Mallarmé to the post-symbolist mode. Princeton, NJ : Princeton university press, 1992. 201 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 15458
Janko Kos, Primerjalna zgodovina slovenske literature. Ljubljana 2001. 417 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 109315328 (izbrana poglavja)
Vanesa Matajc. Literarnozgodovinski pojmovnik za literaturo moderne : revizija in nekaj predlogov. Primerjalna književnost. (Letn. 27, št. 2, dec. 2004, str. 61-81) 20 str. http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-H2ZN3QQY
Vanesa Matajc. Kos in Cankar. V: Tone Smolej (ur.). Janko Kos in slovenska primerjalna književnost. Ljubljana : Založba Univerze, 2023. Str. 87-130. 43 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 159926275
Vanesa Matajc. Paradoksi modernosti v vseevropskem in lokalnem kontekstu dunajskega centra moderne : spremna študija. V: Jacques Le Rider. Dunajska moderna in krize identitete. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2017. Str. 607-631. COBISS.SI-ID 66857570