Rural Geography

Rural Geography

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 45

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 4

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Potočnik Slavič Irma

- defining rural areas,
- geographical research of rural areas and rural areas as an interdisciplinary issue,
- key development faultlines in the development of Slovenian rural areas,
- rural areas as multifunctional space,
- demographic processes in rural areas (rural youth, elderly population),
- working places in rural areas,
- importance of agriculture for the cultural landscape maintenance and protection,
- tourism in rural areas, rural as consumption space,
- environmental aspects of rural development,
- social capital in rural areas,
- rural development policies,
- contemporary processes and problems in rural areas in the era of glocalization (suburbanizaction, landscape overgrowing, local food provision, de- and repopulation, conflicts in rural areas, etc.).

• Kladnik, D., 1999. Leksikon geografije podeželja. Ljubljana, Inštitut za geografijo Univerze v Ljubljani, 318 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 104043264
• Klemenčič, M.M., Lampič, B., Potočnik Slavič, I., 2008. Življenjska (ne)moč obrobnih podeželskih območij v Sloveniji. Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Oddelek za geografijo, GeograFF 3, 149 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 243789824
• Woods, M., 2005. Rural Geography. Processes, Responses and Experiences in Rural Restructuring. London, Sage Publications, 330 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 27772770
• Cloke, P., Marsden, T., Mooney, P. (ur.), 2006. Handbook of Rural Studies. Sage Publications, 511 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 31127138
• Potočnik Slavič, I., Cunder, T., Šabec Korbar, E., Bedrač, M., Šoster, G., 2022. Izvajanje pristopa LEADER/CLLD v Sloveniji. Ljubljana, Založba Univerze, Oddelek za geografijo, GeograFF 26, str. 73 ? 115. COBISS.SI-ID – 125120515

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