Chinese Literature

Chinese Literature

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 0

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 60

ECTS credit: 6

Lecturer(s): asist. - razisk. Grčar Mina, prof. dr. Rošker Jana

Insight into the most important literary achievements (prose, poetry, drama) through individual dynastic periods from Zhou dynasty to Qing dynasty; review and analysis of specific features of Chinese literature with emphasis on historical, socio-political, cultural and philosophical-religious contexts.

- B. Watson: The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry. Columbia University Press, New York, 1984 COBISS.SI-ID  40015202
- D.L. Rolston: Traditional Chinese Fiction and Fiction Commentary. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1997 COBISS.SI-ID  49868386
- V. Mair: The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature. Columbia University Press, New York, 1994 COBISS.SI-ID  37507329
- M. Lavrač: Wang Wei. Lirika. Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1997 COBISS.SI-ID  67610112
- M. Lavrač: Onkraj belih oblakov. Daoistična in budistična simbolika v poeziji kitajskega pesnika Wang Weija. Založba Obzorja, Maribor, 1999 COBISS.SI-ID  44338433
- Literatura na spletu.